Candidate Profile Summary - Anna Lavryk
     Personal Information
Candidate ID: 2417
First Name: Anna
Last Name: Lavryk
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Nationality: Ukrainian
Current Location: California, United States
Seeking: Full Time Live-in Position
Specializing In: Childcare
My name is Anna. I am 24 years old and I am Ukrainian. I have a lot of Live-In nanny experience. I have been living and working in the USA as an Au-Pair for 2 years. I am currently living with an American family in the state of California. Last year I was working with a great family in New Jersey. I am looking for a friendly family in Canada now and I will be able to stay with them as long as they need me. I am polite, intelligent, reliable and definitely not a lazy girl. I have a lot of driving experience, about 3 years. I like to learn to cook different kinds of foods. I can be a great help for your family and an awesome nanny for your kids. I am ready and responsible to look after your kids according to your views, and teach them in what ever way you want. Right now my responsibilities include getting the kids ready for school, picking them up from school, getting them to their activities on time, playing, cooking healthy food, keeping them safe and occupied, keep kitchen and kid's room clean, some household duties... Please, feel free to ask me any questions :-) 
Experience working as:
Years of experience: 2 Years full-time paid experience
Experienced With Age Groups:
1-2 Years Toddler  
2-4 Years Preschool  
5-12 Years School-age  
13-18 Years Teenager  
special needs children  
Employment history:
From To Name of Employer Employer Address Position Name
11/2010  11/2011  Douglas Foote  3310 heather Ln, Oceanside, California, USA  Au-Pair 
I am currently living with Foote family in the United States of America, a state of California. I help a single dad with his two wonderful kids, a boy Kian 10 years old and a girl Mackenna 12 years old. I feel very comfortable in this family and we are very friendly with kids. I drop and pick up kids from school, driving them on their different activities, providing care for preparing healthy meals and snacks, arrange games for kids when their homework is done, going to the pool and many other. I also help my host dad with housekeeping and pets. 
11/2009  11/2010  Natalie Agoos  235 Pascack Rd, Park Ridge, New Jersey, USA  Au-Pair 
I was an Au Pair for Agoos family for 1 year. They live in a state of New Jersey and they have two beautiful princesses. Violet is 10 years old and Emma is 6 years old. I loved to be an Au-pair for this family and the girls were like my younger sisters to me. I was like a member of the family. My responsibilities were to cook a healthy food for girls, get ready for school, bath, put to bed, different activities. Girls have had a lot of allergies, so I always checked food for ingredients and was responsible to keep them healthy. We used to go a lot to the parks, zoo, playgrounds, botanical gardens, natural science and history museum, swimming pool, playdays with other children. My family used to travel a lot and I always helped them. 
02/2009  05/2009  Matzukova Voctoria  3 Sammerovsky st, flat 23, Kharkov, Ukraine  Nanny 
Part time nanny for Anastasia, 3 years old. Anastasia was a very special kid to me and I loved to play with her different games. Also I taught her to read and count. 
06/2008  08/2008  Child Care Camp "Romashka"  50 Prospect Pobedu, Vusokiy, Kharkov Region, Ukraine  Dance teacher Assistant 
It was my first proffesional experience with children. I worked with a group of 15 children and was responsible to provide the supervision. Also encouraged children to participate in camp activities. 
Bachelor's Degree  
High School  
Au-Pair School in New York
Dates Attended Name of School/College/University Main Subject Studied Diploma achieved
11/2009 - 11/2009  Cultural Care Au-Pair  Child Health and Safety  Certificate 
09/2007 - 07/2009  Poltava Cooperative University of Ukraine  Commodity research and commercial business  Specialist degree 
09/2003 - 07/2007  Kharkov Cooperative Tehnical School  Commodity research  Diploma 
      Documents / Pictures
      Other Information
Marital Status: Single  
Religion/Spiritual Practice: Russian Orthodox 
Languages spoken: Russian Ukrainian
Country of Residence: Ukraine
Do you have your own children? No
Criminal record: No 
Valid Driver's License: Yes 
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker  
Do You Swim? Yes 
Comfortable with pets: Yes  
Household duties: Cooking/Meal Preparation, Housekeeping, Running errands, Laundry, Ironing, Grocery Shopping
Health: Excellent
Height: 5' 3" or 160 Centimeters
Weight: 120 Lbs or 55 Kgs
Salary: Negotiate - provincial minimum wages
Additional Information: